Lady shares cute photos from her 360 cedis wedding

 Contrary to the majority of people, who go above and beyond and lavishly fund their wedding ceremonies - After sharing on social media that they only spent 30,000 Naira (368 cedis) on their wedding, a young Nigerian couple won over hearts.

Okpe Faith, a woman from Nigeria, has provided guidance to aspiring couples on how to organize their weddings by using her own first marriage as a case study.

Faith posted images from her first wedding, which took place on the grounds of the marriage register, on her Facebook page.

The young woman proudly revealed that her wedding ceremony cost them less than N30k, lasted approximately 10 minutes, and was attended by just two people.

If that's all they can manage, the new wife encouraged aspiring couples to do it "with your full chest."

This was my first wedding, she said on her timeline. It took place at the marriage registry, cost less than N30,000, only required two witnesses, and took less than 10 minutes overall.

"Please do it with your full chest if this is all you can manage. After this, you move in together to live and begin your family if you identify as a Christian, and your pastor can just pray for you. Love and light, please. Faith Tutu, okay.

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