Miracle! Woman beaten to death by husband wakes on the way to mortuary

On the route to the mortuary, a woman who had been viciously abused by her husband and was believed to be dead apparently woke up.

The shocking incident was made public because the victim's neighbor posted about the horrific domestic violence case on the microblogging service X (now Twitter).

A wife was supposedly fatally battered by her aggressive husband, according to the first tweet.

The shocking information spread on social media, causing considerable indignation and calls for the victim's justice.

But shortly after posting the initial tweet, the same neighbor came back to Twitter and gave another amazing update.

She joyfully reported that the woman, previously thought to be dead, showed signs of life while being brought to the mortuary.

She says the patient is now a hospital patient and is in critical condition.

She penned;

"I'm in a lot of pain. Just now, my neighbor murdered his wife. She died after he struck her in the head with a large stick?

You guys, please! Help me dance, please! I just learned that she woke up at the last second. On the way to the funeral home! Help me express gratitude to God and everything you hold dear! Jesus! I'm still in tears. 

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