An African-American woman's odd face tattoo went viral online when she displayed it on social media.
Some people are prepared to go above and beyond to show their spouses how much they care, but this is ludicrous.
What happens if there is a breakup? Why would any normal individual tattoo his or her lover's face on any part of their body?
If the woman believes that getting her boyfriend's face tattooed on her bare face will keep him, she has made a grave error because the man will still cheat despite her efforts to keep him by herself.
I'd prefer to think that this temporary tattoo, which should only stay for a few days at most, is permanent.
This is completely ludicrous, and if I were the tattoo artist, I would have politely declined and sent her to a t-shirt printer.
Well, nothing is particularly shocking because we live in a time when everyone is vying for influence and attention.
If they later break up, I only wonder how she'll remove the guy's face off her body.
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